1.0 Introduction
Buildings constructed for different purposes require some
amount of maintenance work. Building elements begins to
deteriorate immediately they are incorporated into a building
and the amount of maintenance required during the life time
of the building depends on the type of materials used
method of construction weather condition as well as the use
to which the building is put. Nevertheless the maintenance
of the built environment affects everyone continually for it is
on the state of our homes offices and factories that we
depend not only for our comfort but for our economic
survival. Maintenance starts the day the builders leave the
Furthermore the client’s economic interest may mark against
the elimination of high maintenance cost in the design. Case
studies undertaken by the (DOE) Committee on building
maintenance have shown that about one-third of the
maintenance work on the building investigated could have
been avoided if sufficient care had been taken at the design
stage and during construction. The design faults resulted
either from failure to appreciate how various constructional
details would perform in use or because certain parts of the
buildings that failed through normal wear and tear could not
be replaced without extensive repairs to adjacent parts. A
spokesman for the building research establishment has also
commented on the frequent failure by designers to make use
of authoritative design guides such as British Standards and
Code of Practice and the tendency to adopt a careless
attitude detail design.
Effective building requires the correct diagnosis of defects
and implementation of the correct remedial measures all
base on sound technical knowledge otherwise there can be
additional waste of materials labour and money; since the
work will in all probability have to be done again. We need
more uniformity in the method of recording maintenance
data and greater feedback of information of the performance
of materials and running cost of building in particular. In
addition the use of maintenance manuals and more regular
inspection and schemes of planned maintenance will assist in
producing more efficient maintenance work.
From the definition of maintenance it can be deduced that
need or purpose of undertaking maintenance work in the
construction industry included presenting a good
appearance retaining the value of investment ensuring
safety of the occupants maintaining the building in the
condition in which it will continue to fulfill its function.
There is no doubt that we have a poor maintenance culture
in Nigeria (Chinwokwu 2006). But just as different parts of
a vehicle or parts of human body needs to be maintained to
continue to perform there function it is at that same rate a
building needs to be maintained to enable it continue to
perform the functions for which it was originally designed.
Unfortunately there is no building that can be constructed
which requires no maintenance. If anything at all it is the
frequency and extent that differs.
Neglect of maintenance has accumulative increase in
deterioration of fabric and finishes of a building accompanied
by harmful effects on the contents and occupants. Buildings
are too valuables assets to be neglected in this way (Seeley
1.1 Aim
The aim of the study is to appraise the maintenance practice
in public building.
1.2 Objectives
The objective of this research includes:
i) To analyse the procedures for maintenance practice in
Kaduna Polytechnic
ii) To examine various formats used for maintenance
practice in Kaduna Polytechnic
iii) To identify the problems militating against maintenance
practice in Kaduna Polytechnic.
1.3 Scope
The scope of this project is basically on the assessment of
maintenance policies to public buildings (Kaduna
1.4 Significance
The study will find better maintenance policies to the
1.5 Methodology
The methods employed for carrying out this study are by use
of test books journal handout for maintenance and data
collected from the case study.
Project Information
NGN 3,000Pages
1 - 5Program type
higher national diploma (hnd)